Sorry to hear you've been having trouble with play games. The crashing in particular definitely shouldn't happen. Which verison of the game are you using out of curiosity? There have been a few cases of crashes caused by beta game data when attempting to revert back to a non-beta version.
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First, please note that the "accounts" I'm referring to in the article are Google Play Games accounts. I'm playing v2.4.2, and... no, this error is definitely not related to attempting to revert back to a non-beta version. I have reverted back, but nothing happened for a long time. This error happened in a random date later that. The game will and only crashes if I log in to the game with my main account, but this doesn't happen with my sub account or when I log out. It seems like there is some kind of conflict between the game and Google Play Games.
From looking at my automated crash reports, I do see where this is happening and I'm afraid it is being caused by having sync data from a future version of the game. I'll get this fixed in the next update, unfortunately there isn't a way for me to retroactively fix v2.4.2