this post was submitted on 28 Aug 2024
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[–] [email protected] 8 points 4 months ago (3 children)

An interesting exercise is to replace "Communism is bad" with "Climate change is coming" and interrogate how we feel about that and why.

It is interesting to reflect that propaganda is involved for all kinds of policy application, including science. As someone trained in sciences, it's always a bit uncomfortable seeing folks extolling science as the exclusive solution to everything. The role of science in society is deeply tied up with values, norms, and policy. I think it's always good to have a healthy dose of critical self reflection, so we can engage better on the level of humanized reasoning, rather than on the level of regurgitated propaganda.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 4 months ago (4 children)

An interesting exercise is to replace “Communism is bad” with “Climate change is coming”

Meet the Money Behind The Climate Denial Movement: Nearly a billion dollars a year is flowing into the organized climate change counter-movement

It feels like its more commonly "Climate Change Isn't Coming", with big factions in the O&G financed conservative movements arguing that the theory of anthropogenic climate change was itself a plot by far-left radicals to undermine the United States.

Case in point:

The role of science in society is deeply tied up with values, norms, and policy. I think it’s always good to have a healthy dose of critical self reflection, so we can engage better on the level of humanized reasoning, rather than on the level of regurgitated propaganda.

I've heard it said that the best propaganda is simply the truth from a very rarified viewpoint.

It is, after all, pretty easy to find left-wing activists - even left-wing extremists - warning against the threat of climate change and arguing for big socio-economic changes on the grounds that they are necessary to avert the worst consequences of climate change. It has even fallen into vogue to assert that capitalism creates climate change through negative externalities resulting from the profit motive.

Climate Denialists can and do fixate on this rhetoric to argue that climate change is itself a tool of propaganda to scare people into abandoning our modern military industrial complex. And with an overlapping interest between climate denialists and conservative activists, we routinely get an earful about how everything from relatively moderate carbon emissions cap-and-trade to more socially radical Green New Deal economics are nefarious plots by communists to Seize The Means of Production for themselves.

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[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I think the first time I interacted with anti-communism propaganda was Seinfeld. I didn't get it then. Still don't get it now.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 4 months ago

Jerry Seinfeld is a strong supporter of theocracy.

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