Going back to the galaxy s10
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YES! I'm so sick of phones with camera bumps on the back๐
At least the pixel bump makes the phone balanced unlike on the iPhones (I think they might be the worst for camera bump wobble). This will slightly wobble without a case on so not as good imo
Wish they'd make it a few mm thicker and recess the camera hardware slightly instead.
Seems like a far nicer design in my opinion.
Yeah lol
That's the phone to get going purely by aesthetics I think
Seems more like a featureless slab to me
I think their leak strategy is getting weak. A hype engine that's sputtering.
If you want us to talk about the leaks, there needs to be something in the leak that we want to talk about. Now the leaks are just yeah more of the same generation plus one
Also I just got the 8a for its touted 8 years of support. Who's clamoring over a midrange phone that's 9 months from hitting the market?
Now, if it had a 5.5" screen, a headphone jack, and good specs, I'd be excited.
So... iPhone 4 minus bezels?
more like a galaxy s10 in my eyes...
๐ฅ iPhone 4 design ๐ฅ