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Season 2 is coming and Season 1 got a 4K physical release.
I didn't even bother. I checked out after Ahsoka. I really don't give af about "woke", the writing has been terrible. These series have so much embedded lore you have to watch YouTube vids to figure out context. I don't have time for all that.
I thought Ashoka was good, I just didn't like that I had to watch a 5 seasons of an animated tv show to understand what tf was going on.
Same. I really liked the Jedi trainer droid. I thought that was cool. And the jedi played by the actor that passed away. But the zombie storm-troopers at the end were just too much, but I'm a middle aged man, the kids probably loved that part.
I don't even feel like it was that 'woke'. But it was that bad. Bad wiring, bad acting, worse storyline. The only good thing was the choreography of a couple of the fight scenes except that they mostly made no sense. Not even Darth Vader cut through so many Jedi like butter but this random guy that 'i believe you would refer to me as sith' does with ease. I really think she was determined to ruin the originals. Basically she took everything that was cool and good and did it worse.
It's like the scene in Talladega nights where Cal is telling Gerrard the things that America created.
All woman witches with a connection to the dark side - Dathomir.
Children created by a vergence in the force - Anakin.
Force choke - Vader (this one made me sad).
Purple light saber - Windu.
Multi piece red light saber - Maul.
PIP - fallout.
Then there's just totally random things that are dumb: Regular Jedi having yellow lightsabers. The stones used in yellow lightsabers were used for the guardians of the temple. Kyber crystals make blue or green and that's why they are that color in the originals.
It was loosely implied that there was another Sith, maybe plagiues, implying that Qimir was his apprenrice making him be actively searching for his own apprentice ignoring the rule of 2.
Mace Windu says there hadn't been Sith in a millennium and the generally accepted context is that they've always existed they just hide from the Jedi. Now you a clear story of sith killing Jedi only 100 years prior.
Anissya tells the Jedi to make a perimeter but then they just all ignore that order and all go to the same place?
The only way you could execute a show this poorly is on purpose. Which I think is true, I think she wanted people to reference her show for the fun cool stuff because it's more fresh on their minds.
Luke's lightsaber was green because it wouldn't have looked good against the blue sky in Return of the Jedi. That's it. That's the reason.
Not even the filmmakers get their panties in a twist over "the lore" like that.
Lol - yes you're right but you're wrong, oh so wrong
There's countless amount of lore around light saber colors. Why Sith sabers are red, why Ahsoka's are white, why Rey's is yellow, why Mace's is purple. Then there's many instances where they intentionally used a wrong color as symbolism like in Luke's final projection scene.
Oh like...years after the OT? Not talking about Disney new-school corrupted Kyber bullshit.
I'm not wrong. I don't accept your version of fantasy. Fuck your high and mighty tone too.
Lol, says the guy that says ~150+ novels, 9 movies, 13 shows and I'm not even going to try to count comics are new school Kyber bullshit. Why are you even reading star wars pages for?
Killed by incels, racists, and people who expect waaaay too much from the Star Wars franchise.
It is possible that a lot of people simply didn't like the show. I personally struggled to get through it. Some people have external social/political axes that they bring to grind and use Star Wars as a veneer, but painting every opposing opinion as that is putting words in the mouths of a lot of people. Star Wars fans really need to stop knifefighting eachother and accept that fans with differing opinions exist.
It definitely is possible. It’s also possible, and factual, that I’m just one of the people that didn’t care about the things I mentioned, and just liked the show. I want a season 2 & 3, to be honest. Sad news. I am angry.
I can believe you liked the show. I just think there should be some restraint before painting others with, at least the implication of all being terrible people for not enjoying the same pieces of fiction.
I think it is most likely that Disney pulled the show based on sagging viewers rather than caving to the extreme fringe opinions of ragebait YouTubers.
100% agreed.
The only reason the political debate surrounds the show is because people are invested in the universe.... Fans basically. If people didn't like the universe they wouldn't care about or watch any of the political debates concerning the show.
The very fact a huge cottage industry exists critiquing the show means there is a huge fan base for it.
If the existing audience doesn't like the new show, and a new audience isn't pulled in to replace them, then your going to have a money problem.
I'm glad, and impressed, Disney is taking big creative risks, that's great, that's how we get new stories and franchises. Sometimes those risks don't pan out, we shouldn't be upset with the fans when that happens.
The commercials killed it for me. I hated having to watch commercials.
My larger worry about this cancellation is the potential graveyard they may have kicked off. Netflix has a lot of cancelled shows that no one will ever watch, it just dilutes their overall library. If even Star Wars isn’t immune to this, then I really do hope Disney wasn’t lying and we start seeing fewer streaming shows coming out. I think we’d all prefer quality over quantity.
I don't think this cancelation kicks off the problem of dilution of Star Wars brand identity. I think that problem has been happening for a while with the scattershot releases of movies and shows without the promised cohesion. There doesn't seem to be a vision from high up of what Star Wars should look like, or where it should be going with the setting.
I highly doubt there will ever be a unified vision. Weren’t Favreau and Filoni supposed to be the vision for Disney+, and then Kathleen Kennedy kept stepping in?
Marvel got lucky with Feige, no one else has yet to achieve it. We shall see if James Gunn can succeed with DC
The one that hurts the most is Grendel. Netflix killed it without even airing it. :(
I hope they can continue the story in supplementary material.
disney caving to the toxic part of the fandom and cancelling another show with a poc lead? this is why we pirate.
If your pirating a show you like, your viewer numbers don't contribute to keeping it going.
More like, show's dogshit
You can't handwave a show that's written as badly to botch the golden premise that show had
I mean a fucking Jedi killer? How the hell do you hire writers that bad to botch this?
if that was the case then d+ wouldn't have removed every single merch item from the store. they basically just caved to a bigoted mob for no reason.
If your show is unpopular merch doesn't sell either lmfao
The merchandise getting pulled was probably for tax reasons. If your going to write off the entire project as a loss you don't want anymore revenue being booked to it. Same reason Disney memory holes some streaming shows when the numbers don't survive.
The "anti-woke" (or whatever they call themselves) hate is absolutely ridiculous, and anyone who takes it seriously is an idiot.
That being said though... The show was just bad. Nonsensical or missing character motivations, a thin excuse for a plot, and a huge disappointment compared to what it could have been.
I really hope the reactionary hatred didn't factor into the cancellation, or at the very least that Disney doesn't take away from this that they should hire fewer women and people of color. I hope they take away to invest more into better writing.
FWIW, they ran a survey prior to the cancellation asking if people watched the whole thing, what they liked, what they didn't like, what they'd like to see in Season 2.
I expect those survey results had more to do with it than anything else.