The Freerunner can run at a faster speed, helping to keep distance from Cave Spinners and Succubi, as well as escape Evil Eyes' Deathgaze, etc.
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the thing is that it needs to take a break, so the question basically was how do you handle against them when you can't freerun
Play assassin
i don't see where i have asked which subclass to play and besides i am aiming to win with every subclass to get the master of all trades badge
Then just +15 plate armor.
highest level of skill issue if you really need +15 plate to win, my condolences
The idea behind freerunner is that you run from fight to fight with enough time in between each encounter for your ability to recharge, so you pretty much always move at 2x speed with bonus evasion in combat. I would recommend focusing on throwables only if you have a ring of sharpshooting or upgraded boomerangs, as that makes you a menace at range. For this, you play similarly to a sniper build, with tele grab. Rings of haste and evasion also work nicely with freerunner. Tbh freerunner isn't as good as assassin unless you already have the rings I mentioned above or a ranged build with a crossbow or something, so you have items that synergise with your ability.
how do you manage to run away from enemies like scorpios and crabs(while ascending)?