Geriatric meal time
copilot prompt
create an image that represents "geriatric meal time" in the style of an YouTube thumbnail for the Epic Meal Time YouTube channel
Community for AI image generation. Any models are allowed. Creativity is valuable! It is recommended to post the model used for reference, but not a rule.
No explicit violence, gore, or nudity.
This is not a NSFW community although exceptions are sometimes made. Any NSFW posts must be marked as NSFW and may be removed at any moderator's discretion. Any suggestive imagery may be removed at any time.
Refer to for any NSFW imagery.
No misconduct: Harassment, Abuse or assault, Bullying, Illegal activity, Discrimination, Racism, Trolling, Bigotry.
AI Generated Videos are allowed under the same rules. Photosensitivity warning required for any flashing videos.
To embed images type:
“![](put image url in here)”
Follow all rules.
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Geriatric meal time
copilot prompt
create an image that represents "geriatric meal time" in the style of an YouTube thumbnail for the Epic Meal Time YouTube channel
What the fuck was your prompt for this?
a man in an inflatable yellow suit holding up pink tattoo gun, next to him is the breakfast portable stove with sausages and eggs on it, photo from magazine ad portrait, male mustache wearing black beard, hair tied back, wearing tight orange jumpsuit, TV commercial shot by Stanley Kubrick, food advertisement, surreal
Nothing more generic than that.
This is why we need AI
this is why we need dumbass
👆 that was meant to be a compliment for dumbass
generative ai is just a tool. If you take a look at dumbass' image history, you would see that there's a particularity to their generations (that i enjoy
even if we don't create these images by hand, with time we create signature approaches that can be recognizable (i know that this wouldn't make sense to an outsider who takes the popular opinion of "it's the bots that do the creating"