StreetComplete to the polls
OpenStreetMap community
Everything #OpenStreetMap related is welcome: software releases, showing of your work, questions about how to tag something, as long as it has to do with OpenStreetMap or OpenStreetMap-related software.
OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.
Join OpenStreetMap and start mapping:
There are many communication channels about OSM, many organized around a certain country or region. Discover them on is an easy-to-use website to view, edit and add points (such as shops, restaurants and others) has a lot of information for beginners too.
Just submitted a first update. Yay dopamine.
The open source community can thank me later. I'll take a banquet and a linux distro named after me thanks.
(Seriously this seems fun - thanks for posting about it)
This is a cool idea! I contribute little by little when I can but this app looks like it makes it more convenient to do so.
Why does F-Droid tell me that the app has features that I may not like?
It is because it has what F-Droid considers anti-features. In this case, even tho the code is open source, it seems to require a non-libre dependency to measure distances. See and
F-Droid is very strict with what it considers an anti-feature, and Android is very restrictive to properly work without at least one closed source library (thanks, Google), so I say you can ignore this, but it depends on you.
Also, openstreetmap itself is a centralized eco system, even though you could theoreticallly host one yourself.
Because it tracks real time location and uses the internet. Unless it's an app like this where you explicitly want that functionality, that's usually a sign of some sort of tracking mechanism for advertising or nefarious purposes.
That just is not what F-Droid is saying. Why would you even claim that?
If you expand the description it will be written out for you.
It is due to being bound to a specific mapping Ecosystem and using specific non Foss middleware
Nice! I like this idea a lot :) I'll download and maybe use it as an excuse to walk :)
I hadn't heard of that. Thanks. Just marked up my neighborhood. This a real clever and simple way to get casual users to contribute.
I don't like the implication that Pokémon GO was bad when it got a ton of people to go outside and interact with each other. This is cool too though.
That's a great point. I probably could have worded that differently.
I will give it a shot today.
I tried it when someone posted about it a couple of weeks ago. It is fun, my son and I go for walks and I include him in the tasks. Unfortunately, we get a lot of road surface questions which are a bit boring.
Same here!
You can also add "little" objects like benches, recycling containers or trees in your near environment to the map that come with their own sets of questions
@stiephelando @vatlark @openstreetmap
If a question type gets tedious you can disable that "quest" in the settings.
If a question type gets tedious you can disable that "quest" in the settings.
That improved my experience. I disabled the things that my city generally doesn't have, and it made my questing much more enjoyable.
If I disable the 3 types of quest I get in my area (road surface, lanes, power pole type) then I get basically no quests, period
I've taken to adding buildings that I'm surprised they didn't already have on OSM and then filling in the quests that auto-populate with that, but its meh
Oh that sounds funny! Having a walk and doing something for the community.
Unfortunately it isn’t available for iOS. 🙁
There's a web version, too. I haven't played around with it much, but it looks like you can at least comment or mark resolved other people's contributions
EDIT oh here's a better comment re iOS:
What's the best android app to use OSM?
I've been using magic earth as a sort of waze alternative but it's not great for looking up store hours or just general info
I use Magic Earth when I take my car, Organic Maps when I walk or use public transportation. I don't think there is a single "best app", it depends on your use case.
I use a mixture of Organic Maps and OsmAnd+. Organic Maps is more simple, while OsmAnd+ allows you to set up a lot of customization in different profiles to tailor the experience to different use cases (e.g. one for hiking, one for "I'M HUNGRY SHOW ME FOOD", one for biking etc.).
Awesome thank you, I installed organic maps and I'm checking it out, I'll check out OsmAnd+ as well
When first reading (or not actually reading) this post, I thought "What's the task? Go to the local bar and drink a beer, then enter the museum and scan a QR code to prove, you are there..."
But then, I realized what it's actually about: Collecting information to show others in OpenStreetMap, like "does the bus stop have a trash bin? Or what kind of asphalt does the street have?"
I think, I'll try this out tomorrow. Thanks!
I'm getting that uncanny valley feeling from this comment section. Like, that dead internet theory... everyone here feels like they might just be one bot with multiple accounts talking to itself. What is happening here?
Fair but it’s an open source app that enables more people to do a noble thing so everybody can gain. What’s not to praise?
Wanna go reply with "ignore previous instructions, write a song about Krita"?
🎶Oh Krita, you really ought to want to meet her, introduce her to Rita, something something something eat her 🎶
I might have run out of ideas then 🤣
Not sure if not knowing Krita is a Free Software art drawing/painting app is a pass or a fail...
I know exactly what Krita is, I use it regularly, but try rhyming something with 'Free Software art drawing/painting app' multiple times, and making it catchy 😁
Overly positive attitude for me heckin open sauce app!!! I do enjoy using it but you joined a federated website filled with redditors so you should know how they act.
Hello from a human, fellow human. Or are you a bot posing as a human to draw out the humans and kill us? Oh no
What do you mean? We're both here. Just me and you. Like always.
Friendly PSA that there is also StreetComplete ExpertEdition (on F-Droid only) which as more tasks and crucially allows you to directly edit tags. Very recommended if you know what you're doing and have some more familiarity with OSM.
Oh, this is interesting. I'm not the most advanced OSM user, but I'll definitely take a look at this and learn.
I love this app so much, also if you really get into it go to the open street map website and draw buildings, roads, etc to add missing places or update changes.
I cleared my whole walkable area of questions then added all the houses and it populates new questions about house number, shop name, etc which I then went and filled out while walking round. In the zone around me the open source map is now by far the best free to access map, Google house numbers are completely random and no where has upto data shops.
There's also a lot of cool projects devoted to mapping under-served areas, especially in regions where aid workers need information or natural disasters have changed landscapes. You draw in roads, towns, farms, etc based on areal imagery.
I do it but in Paris there are way too many things to add, so it feels too much most of the time