Here's the thing. It's every bank that is on the SWIFT network because the US is a terroristic state when it comes to financial spying, sorry "transparency".
Demanding KYC and reporting all your transactions via SARs is the standard thing for all banks. The only ones that get away with not having to do it are the manipulative criminals who schmooze there way in with tellers and do transactions that way. But that's also stopping with the crackdown at large.
I keep accounts in the US, but I have moved as much as I can out. If you're in the position where you've got high 5 figures or more it may be worth it to setup accounts outside the USA in countries that are hostile to the US banking system. If you are in the position where you can drop $250k on a new citizenship, then get it. Then open accounts under that passport in countries that don't comply with the US.
Otherwise, you're screwed. This is why crypto and BRICs are a big thing.