some stats after the first weekend:
- 10 edits approved
- 5 edits rejected
We log the reasons for rejections, and so far they are:
- Source issues (3)
- Possible wrecking attempt (1)
- Trolling (1)
- Duplicate edit (1)
So only 3 real edits were rejected and 2 of those improperly sourced edits were fixed by their author afterwards. 1 was rejected literally just a few minutes ago so it's still ongoing.
Edits that were rejected and then approved once fixed count as 2 edits (1 rejected, 1 approved).
Overall not so bad for the first weekend, definitely a good amount of proposed edits, 15 in total so far.
We are also refining our stance towards anon edits with this pilot period, allowing us to understand how they can fit within our model and how we relate to them.