Why are people hating on this? OP is right! Non of you have any idea what gravity is, besides being some attractive force that starts existing with mass. How? Why? Wtf even is it? NON OF YA KNOW! How is that different from a wizard utilizing limited knowledge of "magic" to create a fire ball spell? All the wizard knows is that some words and imagining some flow inside the body mixed with a bit of contraction produces sparks out of the finger tips. How? Why? Wtf even is it? The wizard sure as hell can't tell! But can utilize this knowledge to predict processes and make new things! Just like a scientist! Scientists are just a lot more advanced since they view stuff like peer review as a necessity.
This goes hand it hand with the quote "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.", read some old legends and be absolutely bored by what they considered magic.
In conclusion scientists are wizards. To a certain extend engineers too, since they practice said "magic". I mean many iconic wizards in stories didn't invent the spells and rituals they use.