This is good rhetoric for "how patriarchy hurts men" 101 among other things
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How can you run 5mi every day and not be fit
Your cardiovascular health will improve, but it's very easy to not lose weight when running is something that burns less Calories than many people think.
Ehh, 5 miles (at the average pace of 10min/mile) burns 776 calories for 200lbs. That's an entire large McDonald's Double Quarter Pounder meal with calories to spare.
The funny part that comes after is that the human body is built for pure efficiency, and tries to offset burned calories by subconciously moving less throughout the rest of the day.
So in total, you won't actually have burned an extra 776
Agreed, health is gained by exercise, but weight is mostly lost in the kitchen.
As a dad who takes care of his kids I can totally relate with the bottom left panel.
Let me guess. You're from north America somewhere?
Yep. NY state, even as progressive as the state can be it always grabs attention. People are amazed at how good I am at taking care of my kids and usually put gender into the equation while doing so. Even when we lived in NYC it seemed weird to people.
Ugh. Yeah. CO here. It's like, I'm just parenting? What's the big deal?
"Sawhorse For My Dungeon" sounds like it would be a fantastic emo band.