Lolicon and pedos are the same thing. Q11
Anime - Socialism with Kawaii Characteristics
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Art by ΛHRIMΛN (Dmitry Grozov)
Established 2022-04-04
Vtuber finally saying the quiet part out loud.
not beating the anime is for pedophiles allegations
Death to America
My t shirt something something
I see nothing wrong here, the translation did its job perfectly
What in Lucifer's name
What in gods name
If I understand correctly, the characters here are likely used to refer to a fashion trend in Japan; dressing in cute, overly-frilly, doll-like clothing. Ironically, this trend started (in part) as a way to avoid unwanted male attention -- if you dressed like you were younger while out and about, then creepy old guys were less likely to play grab-ass. It's part of Japan's feminist movement -- a way of reclaiming power in public spaces.
NONE OF THE ENGLISH NAMES FOR THIS SOUND GOOD, primarily because most of our translation efforts revolve around pornography and, to a lesser extent, comics and cartoons.
If I understand correctly, the characters here are likely used to refer to a fashion trend in Japan; dressing in cute, overly-frilly, doll-like clothing.
I think that's "Gothic Lolita." Lolicon is short for "Lolita Complex" and is more or less just awful pedo stuff.
Good to know, thank you
It's just lolita for the fashion style, gothic lolita is a substyle of the wider lolita movement which has other substyles like sweet lolita and classic lolita that each try to focus on particular parts of the overall aesthetic of cute, frilly, victorian-inspired clothing.
Ultimately the names for all of these call back to the novel Lolita, since in Japan the term became associated not with the pedophilia that is the focus of the text but instead it kinda merged with pre-existing idealised notions of cute young girls to the point where, over time, the term has been basically entirely disconnected from its source material.
Lolicon reintroduces the sexual component through the addition of 'complex' to the overall term. Technically there are non-sexual ways to understand it but like you said, it's mostly awful pedo stuff. The vtuber here is specifically saying lolicon. (ロリコン is rorikon when transliterated)
Source is my obsession with lolita fashion and my little bit of self-taught japanese.
That's unfortunate. I wish I could give every Japanese woman the doohickey.