Unbounded was definitely one of the best.
A few others I like are Seaglass, Gaia, and crystal legacy.
The Lemmy community for all things Pokémon!
Unbounded was definitely one of the best.
A few others I like are Seaglass, Gaia, and crystal legacy.
I was recently blown away by Pokemon Emerald Seaglass. It features a complete graphical overhaul in a style I find absolutely stunning, an upgraded Pokedex, includes all Pokemon from Gens 1-3, adds overworld sprites for Pokemon followers, upgrades the battle system (things like inclusion of Fairy type, Phys/Spec split, z-moves), adds some new mini games, and way more.
Find out more on the official site.
Pokemon ROWE (Randomized Open World Emerald) is great if you like randomizers. All options are configurable in game.
Realistically, just check the featured hacks amd yearly award winning hacks on PokeCommunity. They're all great.
“Pokémon pit of 100 trials” looks really fun. GBA romhack that plays like a rogue lite where you battle through 100 instances. Haven’t played it yet but it’s next on my list.
I'm a big fan of gen 2 so I mostly played romhacks based on that. To me the GBC offers a better experience than GBA because of the chiptunes compared to sound samples. Some personal recommendations:
I enjoyed Pokémon Unbound and I'm working through Golden Glazed at the moment which isn't as polished and has some odd issues but is good fun.
I’ll have to pick up Golden Glazed, I’ve never heard of that one before, what is it like?
Fun so far! More than the usual 8 badges and with some replacement fakemons and S/V pokemon too. This hasn't been integrated brilliantly so there are odd cries and Pokedex entries that are messy (might also be the patcher I used?) but it's fun enough and I like the focus on just having a big world to explore instead of difficulty modes and such.