Shut down and delete your data on your US tech accounts. Their business's are worthless without our accounts.
It's a process, start today! With the easy ones and work towards the hard ones.
Shut down and delete your data on your US tech accounts. Their business's are worthless without our accounts.
It's a process, start today! With the easy ones and work towards the hard ones.
I've been reading a little about this concept and can't see how it would work in reality. Sure, the Feds could "set aside" some land for one of these assholes to set up a new city. But that area would still be under the concurrent jurisdiction of a state and county. And not even the Feds can exempt a city from a state's regulatory environment. In fact most of the things these billionaires are trying to get away from (labor laws, building codes, etc) are state regulations in the first place.
Frankly no billionaire is going to want to live in the middle of South Dakota, no matter how "free" it supposedly is.
Everyone seems to forget a bunch of tech bros bought almost $1B worth of land in Solano County CA with the stated goal of building a new city. It made national headlines for a bit as the buyer was initially a mystery and it’s near Travis Air Force base so there was concern it was foreign actors.
I believe the idea is that Trump is likely to sell our national parks to them.
That's the current conspiracy gossip I believe.
Everyone needs to GTFO facebook. We can hardly do it because every other HOA and School PTA is there, but we get stop using messenger and stop having personal discussions over there.
Don't accept it when organizations require you to sign up and hand over personal information to private and commercial third parties. Requiring Facebook is an active attempt at curbing participation.
Yeah, I dumped facebook right after the election but unfortunately most of my friends and family are only on WhatsApp.
Oh, this is the 15-minute cities they’re scared of.
Fucking insane how these people twist a good idea in to something evil, then support the evil version of that idea.
I think they do that on purpose. These powerful players not the idiots voting for them.
Fucking shit article.
Different network state to Bilajis? Since that was always opt in afaik.
From the website from the book.
A network state is a highly aligned online community with a capacity for collective action that crowdfunds territory around the world and eventually gains diplomatic recognition from pre-existing states.
Seems like zuck trying to take the Name again like he came up with it, eg Meta.
Networks are opt in, just like meta product's.
Years ago I thought Balaji was a genius. But now he's just a rich guy who thinks just because he's smart and has a a crowd he can weigh in on everything.
The idea that a "network state" where an on-line community using NFTs as passports to sleep on each other's couch would somehow be recognized by actual countries makes for a cool sci-fi plot (I'd read that!). But it has no place in reality.
Neal Stephenson, "The Diamond Age". Probably the post-cyberpunk novel. Within the setting the existence and status of phyles is certainly well-grounded, actually quite analogous to bog-standard cyberpunk -- instead of corporations supplanting nation states because they do manage to be more powerful there's a mixture of weak nation states and value/ideology-based tribes which constitute full societies not mere corporations, and have different power specialisations. If you have enough economical power, engineering prowess, hacking prowess, reasoning is that you can not just go toe to toe with nation states you can force concessions.
Also side note there's entities which are not nation states which are (almost) universally recognised as sovereign by proper states: The Holy See, and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. The latter is more of a protocol quirk, the Holy See actually works actively for that status by being a diplomatic powerhouse without any real-world power to back it up, opens quite a couple of diplomatic doors which would otherwise be closed. They use it to mediate and get stuff like human cloning banned on the UN level, aware that they can't actually push Catholic doctrine (most of the world wouldn't care), but need to convince.
That all said though yes the fever dreams of cryptobros have no place in reality. They're not CryptNet, they just like to larp as it.
Never read Diamond Age, I'll put it on my list. Thanks for the reply and recommendation.
So the rest of the predictive nature of cyberpunk is OK but the network state won't happen? 😃
They’re not opt-in when the government is fully captured. They’re not opt-in like every battle against corporate takeover we’ve lost over the last several decades, from net neutrality to effective monopolies to Musk wreaking havoc in the government.
Even without government/regulatory capture. The network effect makes not participating more costly as the network grows. Meaning you can still lose even if you don't play.
That’s the idea.
Delay, Deny, [redacted]
It's terrifying
Very important video indeed