they're protecting the building and people working there?
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I’m as anti-fascist as the next person, but protecting a company from vandalism isn’t as fascist as you seem to want to think it is. Vandalism is illegal. They are law enforcement. That’s how that relationship works.
Would you say the same thing if they stood in front of a business that was under threat of being vandalized by MAGA clowns because they are publicly pro-diversity? At best I’d say the argument lies in the fact that they probably don’t need that many people, but we don’t really know what the reason was to load up that many stooges to protect that particular location.
Maybe some dumbass called in a threat?
Either way… go on and downvote away. I’m fully aware this isn’t the place for nuanced discussion.
Class traitors.
May be a good time to draw some inspiration from Ukraine's use of drones.
Was there a threat made against that location? Or did they decide to waste the time of every police officer putting them there as a precaution?
I'd rather have them being useless guarding a nazi store then out amongt the public causing trouble and abusing citizens whilst utterly failing to do their jobs with any level of professionalism.
if they're standing in a line, they're not raping murdering kidnapping or stealing anyone/anything. I'm fully in support of them doing this.
This wouldn’t be a problem if showrooms for direct to consumer car buying was illegal too.
EDIT: In case you aren’t aware (not sure if this has changed in the last decade), in a handful of states, approximately 17 (maybe less) do not allow direct to consumer dealerships. This means in states that have laws against this, the manufacturers can not operate a dealership which they sell the vehicle. So effectively Tesla must conduct their sales entirely online. Since laws very from state to state, so much as discussing pricing can be illegal. If states are gonna ban the dealerships then why not just make the showrooms illegal too?
Shilling for us all to go through useless lying middlemen for car buying? Yeah no thanks pal.
I’m not saying you’ll want it, just that it could stop these Tesla showrooms from existing.
To serve and protect rich Nazis.
hey! they would also protect rich secular fascists and poor nazis. give them the credit they deserve.
That's an overkill way to promote "Don't buy a Tesla".
Cops are employed to protect rich people's property, nothing else.
This is more effective and less risky than actual vandalism. Stand out there and be our protest. Good work, cops.
I'm curious how destroying Tesla dealerships hurts them. They have insurance, and are reimbursed after a claim. I get it shows how upset and discontent people are with the company. Am I missing something more?
Several ways, although it’s not enough:
- insurance rates go up, and eventually will make them uninsurable
- until the dealership is rebuilt, they can’t really sell cars from there
- sends a relatively strong message about how hated they are
- dissuades people from shopping there
- a point of escalation above a boycott, on the way towards a guillotine for the CEO.
I love this shit because it means the pigs aren't on the streets. Also makes for one large target.
The function of the police is social control and protection of property.
That is an excellent use of police resources.
Indeed. Clearly these idiots are badly in need of some military gear. Maybe some armored vehicles. Look how ill equipped they are for the heavy burden of guarding that sidewalk.
American tax payers dollars being diverted to support private organizations while its social services are being gutted.
Musk is a Nazi, and the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.
...i posit that the dead ones are still bad...
Yeah but they're at least on a self improvement plan.
But it's good that they're dead - gotta cling to that silver lining!
Shit, we're paying 18 million of our tax dollars for fat Cheeto man to play golf.
Yep. Only way to end fascism is to end fascists.
The police is always there to protect the status quo. And if the status quo means people and the world are being bled dry by a few psychopaths, then the police are a tool of these oppressors.
I wish someone would run them over with a truck, GTA style
The ultimate laugh would be an out of control autonomously driving car running them all down.