Now this is proof...if you're ever in trouble and need to hide, just remember that the homeless are invisible to most people.
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Yep. Has been depected in some movies as well, but I never realized that that could work in real word scenarios as well. Apparently it can.
Does anyone know the context here? He clearly seems to know they're all after him but everyone was real calm in the beginning
IDK... maybe some who speaks Spanish can clarify.
The dudes commenting are idiots. They're saying "can you believe it? Everyone walks past him, and they don't see him! I would have not believed it if I didn't see it. It's so weird!"
That is, to them (the commentators), it's not that the people don't suspect of the "homeless dude lying down." To them, nobody is actually able to see that there is a human being lying there, as if he was invisible.
Haters will say it's staged
What gives it away, the fake security camera frame or the fact that the supposed security camera is swinging like a phone in the hand of a human trying to hold it still would be?
Jesus fucking christ, can you imagine anything scarier than being hunted by a whole group of humans who want nothing more than to end you with one point and a finger pull