I just got my registration approved (hi, everyone!) so it looks like they are.
Furry Chat
Yiffit chat! Talk about anything you want here.
Mention @[email protected] from your favorite Fediverse / Mastodon client to post here directly, or post directly via any Lemmy instance.
Community Icon (CC-BY-NC-SA) Tom Fischbach
The instance is using an old version of Lemmy and I've not seen the admin in a while, so it might be a bit dead I'm afraid.
Do you know any other alternative instances about furry stuff?
There's also pawb.social, the less spicy instance. But since OP seems to have gotten approved, this instance is probably accepting people.
I'm still around, but busy. I'll try to enable push notifications.
Fuck I hope it's not because I want to use the local "All" function to watch all the posts within the community. I hope the admin is fine.
I see some recent activity from [email protected], just not @[email protected]. As far as old version, a lot of instances are still running .18 versions. Unfortunately there isn't much activity here, but you can always simulate all local by subbing to everything
Edit: and a link just for you