Meh, they can shoot at Firefox if they want, but it's actually pretty good marketing for the Fox.
A place to discuss the news and latest developments on the open-source browser Firefox
I use Brave for solely one purpose that I hope to see in Firefox one day. It’s the only app I’ve found that lets you locally download a web video and play it natively on CarPlay. I rarely use it, but it’s handy when I need it.
I don't get it, is Brave the player? There are no other video players that work in the car?
As of the last time I looked into it, there were no video players that worked natively in CarPlay. If you long press on a video in Brave, you can add it to your “Brave Playlist.” If you set the playlist to download locally, you can play it in the Brave app in CarPlay.
Contains Ads
I don't know why anyone ever installed Brave
I think it's more, "may contain ads, if you opt-in to earning BAT."
Make it
Contains a way to earn some kind of currency
So the browser itself is like an ad
Iirc, it only comes up if you search for firefox. They could have changed it.
Confirmed. They definitely paid to advertise under "Firefox" searches.
It appeared for me as well. As the second result, under "Limited-time events", first result was Firefox. What followed below in the "More results" were the rest of the Firefox variants.
This is after searching Firefox on the Apple App Store, same as searching for brave.
I got the same result, searching for Firefox on Play store
Yup, third confirmation that this shows up as a "limited time event" which I suspect is an ad in playstore if you search for firefox.