Seems really difficult to learn/switch to
Shell Scripting
From Ash, Bash and Csh to Xonsh, Ysh and Zsh; all shell languages are welcome here!
- Follow Lemmy rules!
- Posts must relate to shell scripting. (See bottom of sidebar for more information.)
- Only make helpful replies to questions. This is not the place for low effort joke answers.
- No discussion about piracy or hacking.
- If you find a solution to your problem by other means, please take your time to write down the steps you used to solve your problem in the original post. You can potentially help others having the same problem!
- These rules will change as the community grows.
Keep posts about shell scripting! Here are some guidelines to help:
- Allowed: Release Announcement of a command-line program designed for scripted use (e.g. bash, bats, awk, jq, coreutils/moreutils)
- Allowed: Tutorials on using shell languages or supplementary tools designed for scripted use
- Allowed: Code review/help requests for shell languages or supplementary tools designed for scripted use
- NOT Allowed: Announcement of a CLI or TUI program that is not designed for scripted use (Yes, your fancy Zsh plugin which pretty-prints the date and time using only builtins is very cool, but unless you actually want to discuss the code itself, please check out !commandline instead!)
- NOT Allowed: Domain-specific tutorials that do not involve shell scripting as a core component (e.g. docker-compose, ansible, nix). If you really love one of these, I'm sure there's a community out there ready to talk about them!
- NOT Allowed: Code review requests for non-shell programming languages and configuration languages (e.g. Python, Yaml)
In general, if your submission text is primarily shell code, then it is welcome here!
depends on how entrenched you are in bash/POSIX, but it’s a fairly simple language to learn.
i’ve been daily driving nushell for about 6 months and it’s been great for the most part. the downsides are 90% regular breaking changes (big breaking changes just dropped today that i’ll have to migrate) and 10% translating scripts or commands from bash.
it can really make you feel like a wizard the first time you bang out a pipeline to change some data in a JSON file.
the only thing i might mildly disagree with is the sentiment that we need community buy-in. sure it would be nice if the project had more eyes on it, but i’m not trying to convince my company to adopt nushell. unlike TypeScript or Rust i don’t have to inconvenience anyone by introducing nushell to my workflow. you can just start using it. and i’d recommend it to basically anyone who isn’t brand new to shells. but it doesn’t hurt my feelings one bit if my coworkers don’t see the appeal
This was an interesting read for me.
So far, I've been exposed to bash as the default shell, I then switched to zsh because I wanted the oh-my-zsh experience and recently I discovered fish because it is ships with my current gaming distro (Garuda).
I never really gave it much thought, I do too little shell-scripting to really remember syntax and open a search engine any time I want to write another script.
The part that speaks the most to me is towards the end: it's ok to have nice things, and writing scripts should be fun. The first programming language I used was Ruby, and to this day I never really found the same syntactic niceness in another language (C, Java, Rust, JS).
Mainly for this reason, this article makes me want to try Nushell.