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Neighbors fear for safety ignored by Missoula Shitty Council.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've been wearing Oboz's hiking for several years now. I generally hike 50+ miles a week year round with a 40 lbs pack in rugged mountain terrain. I have to say they are now my main hiking shoe. The pair I wear currently, I've been wearing for nearly 2 years of hiking, which really amazes me considering how quickly I usually burn through shoes. I want to emphasize I'm wearing Oboz' hiking shoes, not hiking boots.

I have heavier duty boots for forestry work, but my daily hiker is definitely the Oboz. The only change I made was that I replaced the standard laces with quick laces, as I don't have time to tie shoes. I also mink oil all my shoes/boots twice a year/seasonally. I got my pairs at the shoe store in Southgate Mall, but I've seen them all over Missoula.

I've also hiked all the trails on this challenge website wearing my Oboz. They are all pretty easy hikes under 12 miles and 2500 ft of elevation. In fact they are much easier than many of the hikes I've taken my Oboz on. For instance the hikes to Lolo Peak and Stuart Peak are both longer and almost 1500 ft elevation higher.


Participants included: Gwen Nicholson and Eric Melson in Ward 1; Sierra Farmer, Timothy Garrison and Mirtha Becerra in Ward 2; Gwen Jones and Sam Kulla in Ward 3; Amber Sherrill and Alan Ault in Ward 4; Bob Campbell, Dave Bell and Lynn-Wood Fields in Ward 5; and Sean McCoy and Sandra Vasecka in Ward 6. Candidate Rebecca Dawson in Ward 2 did not attend the forum.


With the Missoula Mayor's Primary Race less that 2 weeks away, all the council members running for the Mayors seat are looking to avoid culpability at the polls by delaying the issue until after the election. That includes Nugent, Hess and Davis.


Appointed Mayor Jordan Hess ignores citizens concerns on unwanted and unneeded homeless shelter and endless increases in taxes. Hess clearly wants to eradicate any opposition by gentrifying Missoulians out of a home, so his COW (Californian, Oregonian, and Washingtonian) buddies can continue to move in and take over. Vote Hess, Nugent and Davis out, they are all political puppets of the WEF.

Vote for Knopp and take our city back!


Brandon Bryant asks the Missoula city council for an apology for infringing his 1st Amendments rights, and for illegally arresting him (for which he was acquitted by jury). The Missoula City council responds with further censorship of Bryant and tops it off with, threats of militarized police intimidation.


The Wye to Blue Mtn is the only area where growth in Missoula can occur.


Missoula's Appointed Dictator Jordan Hess is planning to raise taxes by 9.7% to play for a year round homeless shelter, police raises and other expenses, causing many to tighten there belts just so they can eat.


Unsurprisingly, after nearly 2 decades of Engen tax increases, that his appointed puppet Hess would double down and not only increase taxes, but increase them more that Engen ever did.


After infringing Brandon Bryant's 1st Amendment rights, then illegally arresting him, the Missoula Shitty Council now pretends to care about your freedom of speech.


The Missoula City Council is intentionally degrading the entire neighborhood by putting the emergency shelter there. The crime in the area has skyrocketed since the first winter, with a recent knife attack, amongst others. I'm sure some large apartment development like Trinity is behind it, considering they keep donating to it. Perhaps they want to haze out the folks in the trailer court across the street so they can put in a megaplex apartment building and charge 4 times the rent for 1/10 the privacy.


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


What about eco terrorist Sean Mccoy who's listed as running for Mayor of Missoula?


Leaving us with Gomer, Missoula's Propaganda Station Chief, who's crap is on KPAX, KECI and of course the Missoulian which he now throws under the bus.


They need to extend this through Moose Can Gully, creating a complete walking path from lower South Hills to the top of Dean Stone.


Quietly sneaks out before the 1st Amendment lawsuits for censorship, come a calling.


NOTE: Former Missoula Chief of Police Jaeson White was likely fired because he illegally arrested Brandon Bryant and initiated a lockdown of downtown Missoula for 4 hours as a fear tactic to quell what the lunatic Engen and the rest of his Shitty Council enablers called an insurrection.


The Blackfoot Telephone Cooperative and the Southern Montana Telephone Company will be building the network.

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