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Hacktivism, Crypto-anarchy, Darknets, Free Culture - Proudly Feminist, Anarchist, Anti-Capitalist, Anarchist hackers

founded 4 years ago

Yet despite all the unprecedented recent events, 2020 and 2021 also feel very familiar to some of us. The mood has been similar to that of Anonymous' highs in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Instead of groups like LulzSec, we have people like Keyser Soze and groups like APT-69420. Documents and source code spilled onto the internet, to the horror of governments and corporations. And inevitably, the raids began and indictments began to be returned.

Ten years ago, WikiLeaks fought censorship by making it easy to mirror their site and leaks. Today, while Distributed Denial of Secrets (DDoSecrets) faces the scrutiny of the U.S. government and continues to fight our server seizure, we're fighting censorship by making not just our data, but our model easy to mirror. Groups like DDoSecrets can be dismantled if governments are truly determined to oppress and suppress, but we're as easily replicated as the Anonymous model or the APT-69420 model. The world can no longer be rid of hacktivists or leaktivists, not as long as people are willing.


we are on the 2d room "LibreAdventure"


el hacking es como el fuego, se puede usar para calentar o para quemar, pero también para defender la gente humilde de los gobiernos y corporaciones que solo piensan en quemar. Hay veces que hay que pelear al fuego con fuego. a(A)a


Nosotras nacimos de la noche en ella vivimos, hackeamos en ella Aquí estamos, somos la dignidad rebelde, el corazón olvidado de la Интернет Nuestra lucha es por la memoria y la justicia, y el mal gobierno se llena de criminales y asesinos Nuestra lucha es por un trabajo justo y digno y el mal gobierno y las corporaciones compran y venden zero days Para todas el mañana Para nosotras la alegre rebeldía de las filtraciones y la expropiación Para todas todo Para nosotras nada Gracias Phineas Fisher


Hackerñol realizado por hackers anarquistas con temas variados de resistencia, cultura y ética hacker, entrevistas a hackers de la vieja escuela y relatos de reuniones de hackers y anarquistas a nivel mundial todo esto CON MUCHO HUMOR, podéis suscribiros a nuestro canal en https://kolektiva.media/video-channels/hackernol desde la fediverse con [email protected] SI QUERÉIS AYUDAR solo mirando videos entonces también suscribiros a odysee, con solo mirar videos recibimos donación https://odysee.com/@Hackernol:7?r=9HnjUNxCoBFjginJzG9ea81vTzG1JtNT


We doing it again, the 2600 collective with hispagatos is doing a VR meetup on mozilla hubs, mozilla hubs is a open and libre platform. see you there!


The Hispagatos collective and compañeros have since the hacker conference HOPE 2020 build a anarchist hacker "barrio" that we use for meetings, gatherings, watching movies and listening to audio books etc, here are some links with setup arguments in case you have a low end computer: *https://hubs.mozilla.com/docs/hubs-query-string-parameters.html



you can join us at https://hubs.mozilla.com/zWXK8U6/hispagatos

  • Mozilla hubs is open/libre software and you can have your own server, respects the hacker ethics.

** Sometimes we are iddle, if you come in DO NOT stay in the lobby and say hi and stick around so when we are not AFK, we are usually there at CEST/EST late night **


Nice long read on


Off The Hook - Oct 07, 2020 *very good episode * hat every non-true hacker ( the ones confused of what real hacking is all about and is not infosec nor stealing identities or robbing banks) and technologist should listen to, Cory Doctorow always amazing, what is a true hacker? read "hackers: heroes of the computer revolution" by steven levy and all the 80's 90's underground e-zines about h/p/a/v