“Multi_Viral” is a song written and performed by René Pérez (lead singer of the duo Calle 13’s) and Julian Assange (WikiLeaks founder); Rene Perez traveled to the Equatorial embassy in London, where Julian Assange is a political refugee, in order to write the lyrics of the song. The song was also composed and written with the collaboration of Tom Morello (guitarist of Rage Against the Machine) and the Arab-Israeli singer-songwriter Kamilya Jubran; additionally Calle 13’s fans contributed through twitter.
“Multi_Viral” addressed current global issues, such as social movements in Latin America and Spain and information manipulation in the media. The song attempts to be a criticism to the unreliable information that the media distributes, as well as to speak up for freedom of speech and access to reliable information. René Pérez attempted to create a song that would create awareness about current social issues; yet, he also wanted to provide and encourage pacific solutions. He wanted to convey a political message relevant to most, if not all, countries in a way that would call everyone’s attention and that would be accessible to most people. Due to this, parts of the song are written in different languages, such as Spanish, French, Arabic, and English.^[[1] https://genius.com/Calle-13-multi-viral-lyrics]