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[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (50 children)

The zionist entity really loves that argument that "they are held to an unfair standard" and all that, and I will admit there is a small nugget of truth to that. They're jealous of the European powers who got to slaughter and plunder the rest of the world centuries ago but they don't even get to do it to the "savage natives" in their much smaller slice of conquered land.

Only problem is that since then an international framework of law and human rights was developed and agreed to by nearly the entire world condemning atrocities like that. (Ironically this was spurred on by the Nazi genocides and warmongering) Obviously it's still not very well enforced, but it's at least agreed that aggressive conquest and genocide is 'not good.'

Yet the zionist entity still wants to apply 18th century attitudes to the 21st century then also act outraged that people hate them for it. Yeah, more powerful states than you got away with it back then, but the unfairness isn't that YOU can't slaughter anymore, the real injustice was what happened to the VICTIMS of those massacres. And they have the gall to talk like this while they perpetuate more massacres and create hundreds of thousands of more victims. Not to mention they literally are getting away with it anyway, the imperial hegemon is delivering them weapons right now, and no one is stopping them except the glorious axis of resistance.

may Palestine be liberated from the river to the sea isntrael

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago (49 children)

I was with you until the last sentence. Removing the Israeli state "from the river to the sea" as you say, would mean another genocide. I guess at the end of the day, it's always ok to commit a genocide, but only if it's your side committing it, eh?

The real solution is to create two states, one for the Jews, one for the Palestinians, create a well-defined border and stop it with the holy wars, stop it with the persecutions, stop it with the genocides, stop it with the forced resettlement, stop it with terror attacks, stop it with the bombings and stop it with religions altogether.

Everyone has the right to live, so just live and let live

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I wrote longer response but then I lost it, so I'm just going to quickly simplify it.

The two state solution is what we have now, and it means Palestine is forced to live in a permanently degraded state of sovereignty. Sovereignty is the key cornerstone of international relations, as is deterrence (live and let live, as you call it). This is not a holy war, this is a colonial war over the autonomy and self-determination of a people, the Palestinian people.

Thus, if you truly believe in equal rights for the Palestinians in a two state solution, you need to ask yourself this:

Would you allow the Palestinians to form their own army? Import weapons from Iran? Build their own air force with bombers? Many of their officers would undoubtedly be Hamas veterans, you wouldn't get to exclude them from serving their new country either, could you accept that?

You say you don't want forced resettlement, a laudable ideal to be sure, but you can't have no forced resettlements and a hard border because of the Zionist settlements. Go look at a map, there is no border line to be drawn between them, they are scattered around the whole of Palestinian territory. Those settlements are their for the express purpose of denying the Palestinians their freedom of movement and critical resources and infrastructure, so they would have to go.

Would you let the Palestinian army evict those settlers if they refused? Would you let them defend their new borders, with lethal force if necessary? And how about the people who have already been forcibly resettled, the Palestinian refugees? They're still alive, waiting to come back, what about their homes? Even if somehow a general peace treaty was signed to settle all these messy issues at once, would you really expect either side to just take eachother's word for it?

You don't have to like these things, but you would have to accept them, because they are the rights afforded to every sovereign nation.

I can tell you now the Zionists would never accept these conditions, it would be a total admission of failure of their colonial project. Maybe under extreme international pressure and isolation, but then you have the lingering tension between the two states that lasts for who knows how long. A two state solution is impossible, the Zionists made it impossible over decades. So in my opinion alright then, you made this bed, you fucking lay in it now: a single state is the only way forward now. A single state from the river to the sea, so that all of the people victimized by this colonial project may move towards a brighter, more peaceful future. I will never apologize for saying that, despite the recriminations of the zionists and the propaganda of their collaborators. There would in fact be less chance of war and genocide than with two states. However, you couldn't call it a Jewish (ethno)state anymore. But the Jews living there would still get to stay there, what's more important?

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