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Manual curation of great Lemmy discussions and threads

founded 1 year ago

Hey, lots of Political Topics coming up that's just turning into blame games, anger and bad vibes. I'm enacting a temporary rule: no new politic topics for one week as of now.

I recognize that there is a lot of anger around the election and it's legitimate to feel that way. But I'm willing to bet that none of the political talk in the next week constitutes a 'Best Of' post anyway.

That being said: feel free to use this topic (!!!!) as political talking points. I'm serious. People deserve to discuss their opinions and I don't want to hamper them too much.

If you have political stuff to say, say it in here. I'll promise to lightly moderate this topic, which means this topic will naturally lead to bad vibes and poor arguments.

But we need a place to discuss and vent.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Rewrite: September 2024

Welcome one and all to BestOfLemmy! The goal of this community is "manual curation". Please post good (or best!!) posts you find around Lemmy, highlighting the discussions, communities, and people that make up the Lemmyverse.

There are two rules: Manual Curation and beginner-to-lemmy focus. Please share content on Lemmy that helps introduce Lemmy to newbies!

Don't make automatic bots or algorithms make your pick here. Although its fair game to use bots / algorithms / search engines to look for content, the ultimate decision to post must be made by you. Aside from that, have fun!

EDIT: Discussion in this Welcome Thread is extremely loose. Its important for any community to have a place for freeform discussion, including meta-criticism and wandering off topic, so that individuals are free to express yourself. I won't be moderating this topic as much as other posts however. Still feel free to report posts that cross the line, but comments here specifically are intended to be more freeform.


The essence in two short sentences. Pure poetry.


You became a nazi to win and you lost. Now you’re a loser and you’re a nazi.


You became a nazi to win and you lost. Now you’re a loser and you’re a nazi.


I’m 40. I never got the memo about growing up. There was never an adult moment. When I was half my age, life had a lot more promise and that commonality drives a lot of the more balanced interactions. What you can’t really understand at a much younger age is how alone and lonely the world becomes with age for most people. That hopeful promise fades, and with it goes purpose and hope. Dreams and intentions pass you by and mistakes haunt you. This drives many to a hedonistic place of connections with anyone that lets the person return to a carefree time of hopefulness or anywhere but this reality.

He likely lacks meaningful connections and turns to his only social outlet. If he has the depth, he needs a hobby or interest that helps him to connect with more stable people.


The original comment by [email protected]:

Dammit, yet another question that I spent too much of my life on.

It comes down to nervesand tissue (cell, not paper) types.

The outside of your nose and the tissues of the anus are not the exact same. There's a different concentration of "nerve endings", and different types in different concentrations.

I doubt you want the full Monty of it, but if you look up the term "sensory receptors", you can do the deep dive very easily.

The short version is that we have specific types of "nerve endings" (that's what they're called colloquially, hence the quote marks, but I'll stop using those at this point). They detect pressure, temperature, pain/injury, etc.

The concentrations of them (as in how many per square inch), and the assortment of them (as in how many of each type in that square inch) varies across the entire body. The easiest way to demonstrate the relative principle is to touch your fingertip to your nose, your lips, your genitals (seriously), and your leg.

You'll find that your brain interprets the signals in an interesting way. It'll filter the less intense signals. You touch your finger to your lip, what your brain "says" is that your lips are being touched by something, and the signal from your finger takes the back seat. You touch the same fingertip to your thigh your brain says the finger is the primary sensation, and you feel the thigh via the finger rather than the finger via the thigh the way the lips worked.

Give it a try on whatever parts of your body you want. There's going to be a shifting perception of whether it's your finger touching something ( where emphasis is placed on the signals from the finger), or it'll be the section of the body being touched by the finger (signal from the touched location being emphasized).

The anus and the nose have different jobs. The anus, mostly, needs to detect pressure, injury, and some degree of chemical contact the nose needs less pressure sensitivity, but more motion sensitivity. So you'll get a different overall sensation with any given substance that's pushed against either, and when the same substance is moved across either. The difference may end up being minor. But both are sensitive enough that most people can tell a difference between paper tissue products blindfolded.

Back in the day, I wiped asses for pay. The only patients I had that couldn't tell the difference between brands of TP had medical issues that interfered with nerve signals. Do a test for yourself. Find a buddy to hand you tp or facial tissues and keep a log (heh, he said log while talking about butts). There's a very good chance that every single one will feel different. You'll probably be able to tell which brand is which if you've used that brand before.

You can probably even tell the difference with your fingers tbh. But you wouldn't likely be able to if the same products were placed or rubbed on your back

You'd also notice that different objects will feel different when just placed on an area and pressed gently into the skin vs when you wipe the area with it.

Skin is an amazing thing. It's armor, a sensor array, a biological filter, sunscreen, and a temperature regulator all in one! Plus other functions tbh, but shit like that gets overwhelming to read for a lot of people

You'd be amazed what you can discover with just an hour sitting around and touching things to parts of your body.


A maquiagem tem o poder de realçar a beleza e elevar a autoestima.

truques de maquiagem

Saber aplicar alguns truques pode fazer toda a diferença no resultado final da sua make, seja ela básica para o dia a dia ou sofisticada para uma ocasião especial.

Este artigo traz 5 truques de maquiagem que vão transformar sua make e facilitar a aplicação dos produtos, deixando o visual impecável e com acabamento profissional.

Confira nossas dicas e técnicas essenciais para alcançar uma maquiagem perfeita.

1. Truques de Maquiagem para Pele: O Segredo de uma Base Impecável

A preparação da pele é um dos passos mais importantes para garantir uma maquiagem duradoura e com acabamento perfeito.

Os truques certos ajudam a alcançar uma pele uniforme, com acabamento natural e longe de imperfeições. Você pode ver mais dicas e truques de maquiagem através deste link:

  1. Hidratação e Primer: Para uma pele impecável, comece com uma boa hidratação. Independentemente do tipo de pele, o hidratante é essencial para garantir que a maquiagem não craquele e dure mais. O primer, além de ajudar a fixar a make, minimiza a aparência dos poros e deixa a pele mais lisa, ideal para receber a base.

  2. Escolha da Base Ideal: Para evitar um efeito pesado, opte por uma base de cobertura média e construtiva. Um truque importante é aplicar a base com uma esponja úmida, dando leves batidinhas para um acabamento natural. Essa técnica ajuda a evitar o acúmulo de produto em áreas onde a pele tem linhas de expressão.

  3. Corretivo nas Áreas Certas: Para uma cobertura mais leve e natural, aplique o corretivo apenas nas áreas que realmente precisam, como olheiras e pequenas manchas. O truque é usar uma cor um tom mais claro que o tom da base para iluminar a área dos olhos, e um corretivo exatamente no tom da pele para esconder espinhas ou manchas.

  4. Finalização com Pó: Para um acabamento matte e duradouro, aplique um pó translúcido na zona T (testa, nariz e queixo) e nas áreas onde você aplicou o corretivo. Isso evita o brilho excessivo ao longo do dia e mantém a maquiagem intacta.

2. Truques de Maquiagem para Olhos: Realce o Olhar com Técnicas Simples

O olhar é uma das áreas que mais atraem atenção na maquiagem. Os truques certos para olhos ajudam a valorizar e definir essa região, trazendo profundidade e destaque.

  1. Sombra para Realçar o Côncavo: Para quem deseja um olhar mais marcante, aplicar uma sombra marrom no côncavo é uma técnica simples que traz profundidade e deixa o olhar mais expressivo. Esfume bem a sombra para que o acabamento fique natural e sem marcações.

  2. Delineado Simples e Elegante: Um dos maiores desafios para iniciantes é o delineado. O truque é começar pelo canto externo dos olhos e ir construindo o traço com calma. Para corrigir eventuais erros, utilize um cotonete embebido em demaquilante. Outro truque de maquiagem para delineado é fazer um esboço com lápis antes de aplicar o delineador líquido.

  3. Máscara de Cílios para Volume Extra: A máscara de cílios é essencial para dar volume e definir os olhos. Aplique duas camadas, fazendo movimentos de zigue-zague da raiz até as pontas dos cílios. Para aumentar a fixação, escolha máscaras à prova d'água em eventos longos.

  4. Truques de Maquiagem com Sombra Iluminadora: Para iluminar o olhar, aplique uma sombra clara e cintilante no canto interno dos olhos. Esse truque é ideal para quem deseja um olhar mais aberto e luminoso, além de dar um toque especial ao visual.

3. Truques de Maquiagem para Boca: Como Aumentar e Definir os Lábios

Uma boca bem maquiada pode transformar qualquer look. Existem truques simples que ajudam a aumentar, definir e dar destaque aos lábios de forma prática.

  1. Contorno para Aumentar os Lábios: Para quem deseja lábios mais volumosos, use um lápis de boca em um tom semelhante ao do batom e contorne os lábios levemente por fora da linha natural. Esse truque aumenta os lábios de forma discreta e deixa a make sofisticada.

  2. Aplicação do Batom com Precisão: Aplique o batom com um pincel pequeno para maior precisão, especialmente em tons mais escuros. Além de deixar o acabamento impecável, o pincel ajuda a evitar borrões e facilita o controle do produto nos lábios.

  3. Truques de Maquiagem para Lábios Mais Duradouros: Se quiser que o batom dure mais, aplique uma camada de batom, pressione os lábios em um lenço de papel e, em seguida, aplique uma camada de pó translúcido sobre os lábios com uma esponja. Finalize com uma nova camada de batom. Esse truque é ideal para festas e eventos longos.

  4. Iluminação para Volume: Para criar uma aparência de lábios mais volumosos, aplique um pouco de iluminador no arco do cupido (acima do lábio superior) e no centro do lábio inferior. Isso traz um efeito de volume e deixa os lábios com um aspecto mais carnudo.

4. Truques de Maquiagem com Produtos Baratos: Como Economizar sem Perder a Qualidade

Investir em maquiagem não significa gastar muito. Existem truques e produtos acessíveis que entregam um ótimo resultado, especialmente para quem está começando ou deseja economizar.

  1. Produtos Multifuncionais: Um truque econômico é usar produtos que têm várias funções, como um batom que também pode ser usado como blush. Produtos cremosos funcionam bem para isso e são fáceis de aplicar, principalmente no dia a dia.

  2. Pó Translúcido como Fixador de Batom e Olhos: O pó translúcido é um coringa na maquiagem, pois ajuda a fixar produtos e a controlar o brilho. Aplique-o sobre o batom para aumentar a duração e nas pálpebras antes da sombra para ajudar na fixação.

  3. Iluminador Caseiro: Para criar um efeito de pele iluminada sem gastar muito, você pode usar uma sombra cintilante em tons perolados como iluminador. Aplique com um pincel pequeno nas áreas desejadas e esfume bem para um efeito sutil.

  4. Máscara de Cílios como Delineador: Se você não tem um delineador à mão, a máscara de cílios pode ser uma substituta. Basta pegar um pincel fino, encostá-lo na máscara e aplicar próximo aos cílios, como um delineador. É uma alternativa prática e que dá um acabamento natural.

5. Truques de Maquiagem para Durar Mais: Como Manter a Make Intacta

Manter a maquiagem bonita por mais tempo é um dos maiores desejos de quem se maquia. Alguns truques ajudam a prolongar a durabilidade da make, mesmo em dias longos ou eventos importantes.

  1. Spray Fixador: O spray fixador é um dos truques mais eficazes para garantir uma maquiagem duradoura. Ele sela os produtos na pele e ajuda a controlar a oleosidade, sendo ideal para eventos de longa duração.

  2. Camadas Leves de Produtos: Ao invés de aplicar uma grande quantidade de produto de uma só vez, aplique camadas leves e construa a cobertura aos poucos. Esse truque é excelente para garantir que a maquiagem dure mais e que o acabamento fique mais natural.

  3. Use Produtos à Prova d’Água: Para ocasiões que exigem uma make de longa duração, como festas e casamentos, escolha produtos à prova d’água, especialmente para máscara de cílios e delineador. Eles resistem melhor ao calor e à umidade.

  4. Finalização com Pó Translucido: Para aumentar a durabilidade da base e do corretivo, finalize a maquiagem com uma camada leve de pó translúcido. Ele ajuda a segurar os produtos cremosos e a evitar o brilho excessivo ao longo do dia.

  5. Evite Tocar o Rosto: Um truque essencial para manter a maquiagem intacta é evitar tocar o rosto. A oleosidade das mãos pode transferir e remover produtos, especialmente na zona T. Se precisar corrigir algo, use um lenço de papel.


Com esses 5 truques de maquiagem, sua make terá um acabamento mais profissional e duradouro, garantindo um visual impecável para qualquer ocasião.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


This is older but, with things that are coming up, I feel it is even more relevant.


It started with an earworm and a rather stupid idea for a poll...

A couple days ago I asked [email protected] the question What is love?

99 shitposters say it's hurt me don't Baby

@[email protected] creates a Suno AI song with the new lyrics

It's a banger

🎵 What is love, hmm? 🎵
🎵 Hurt me don't, baby 🎵
🎵 Hurt me no more, don't 🎵

Meanwhile, according to 187 shitposters the answer to What is love is Baby hurt me don't


Civility has become a cult.

Mods on modern websites (including Reddit and are forced to maintain courtly behavior instead of deciding who's the asshole. They will protect any cautious troll who can politely phrase 'you're subhuman and also secretly agree with me' but jump on the obvious reasonable response: "Fuck off." Even when that curt dismissal is followed by an explanation of how a comment was dishonest and manipulative, you said the no-no word, so only you get the boot.

And that boot will tend to be as heavy as possible, sometimes instantly permanent, because god forbid anyone learn anything. You keep permanently banning these trolls, when they can get a new account in minutes, and they keep coming back within minutes? Wow, it's almost like you've given them no reason whatsoever to stick out their ban and keep that username. Spritzing them in the face with a three-day time-out works better. This is basic Skinnerian conditioning - immediate reliable feedback is internalized and shapes future behavior.

By [email protected]



Serious question: what do you think publicly repudiating Israel would do for the democrats' chances of willing the presidential election? It makes sense for them to say nothing publicly while privately trying to tie down those loose cannons.Honestly I suspect it would do the opposite, Lemmy is a bit of a echo chamber and while users here heavily skew towards favoring Palestine in this, or at least condemning what Isreal is and honestly has long been doing to them, the US as a whole, even the base of the democratic party, has long been at least mildly friendly towards Isreal, and a large fraction will see Hamas's attack as justifying Isreali action. It's a bit of a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation for the dems I think where their current path angers progressives on the left, and actively sanctioning Isreal would probably anger the more center-right side of the party, and they need both to turn out to win. They probably figure that at the end of the day, the left either is mostly younger people that don't vote as reliably, or will bite their tongues and vote for them, because, well, if you're given only two possible futures, both evil, and a choice between them, one has a moral obligation to choose the lesser evil, no matter how evil that lesser is, just because by definition, the greater evil is worse. But the center-right, they probably figure, probably don't care about what is happening as much, and will feel much less uncomfortable about just voting for the republicans instead if the dem candidate doesn't do what they want.

That being said, it doesn't really much matter, ethically, if not helping kill tens of thousands of innocent people makes it slightly harder to win political power for yourself, it's still a pretty horrible excuse. Nobody sitting in a jury would let someone go free if they were accused of being an accomplice to a murder, if that accomplice's defense was "well, I'm running for mayor, and if I didn't help the murderer, his friends probably won't vote for me". Like I get that Kamala isn't really calling the shots on that, being only vice president currently, but she doesn't seem like she intends to change how Biden has handled the situation much.

Don't get me wrong, I am voting for her, I'm not one of those people that thinks that it is somehow noble to just let the greater evil win if it means not taking an action that helps the lesser evil beat it, I think that the going for the best outcome plausibly available is always the right thing to do and that doing the reverse because "well my hands are clean" is a misguided and self centered way to do ethics, but like damn people (to which I mean the people that actually side with Isreal in this, and the DNC I guess, not they they see my tired internet ranting), just because the other option is as close as the country has come in a century to "literally Hitler" does not mean that you have to emulate Churchill refusing to help the Bengalis.


well. to my everlasting shame it was the very website this post features. I got hooked in when it was still part of reddit. I was an angry young adult coming out of a terrible home situation and their collective “righteous fury” was appealing. after the move to a separate website, it just got worse and worse. hexbear, formally known as chapochat, had destructive drama outburtsts every single week right from the start.

I think it started with thousands of active users and rapidly dwindled down to only a few hundred because of how hostile and rigid it was. I was one of the few who stuck around because my warped sense of the world didn’t reveal how bad it was yet. I thought about quitting during many of these ridiculous “struggle sessions” as they called them. but something kept me hooked.

when the current ukraine-russia war started, the cracks were widening. a subsection of hexbear started to dominate. they were more openly bloodthirsty. they stopped pretending to care about the common people, which is what I cared about, and were cheering on the killing of civilians and conscripted soldiers. they posted videos of ukrainians getting shot and blown up accompanied with the site’s absurd emojis and weird in joke phrases. they were also just extremely hostile to anyone who wasn’t lockstep with their view. they would use vicious insults and accusations against naysayers and the mods would almost always rule on their side.

I rarely ever participated in the arguments up to that point because I didn’t see a reason to, but I got in fights with people about this. they were treating war like a football game and it really rubbed me the wrong way. but then that subsection of the site started to contain themselves mostly to the “news megathread” which I could easily ignore.

I became less and less interested in hexbear as time went on. I think other people were noticing these disturbing trends too because the number of active users dwindled down to around 150-200. the remaining users were the worst of the worst. so fucking mean and nasty, in that abusive family type of way. they proclaim themselves to be friendly, proclaim hexbear to be a welcoming and caring community, tightly knit, when behind the curtain they are horrible to each other. of course I had only ever known that type of life so I didn’t see it for what it was and continued to use the site.

I finally had a breakthrough internally and got the courage to go to therapy and try to reckon with the damage my upbringing did to me. and once that started to work, hexbear’s rose tint rapidly faded.

now I look back on my several years as a hexbear user with so much embarrassment. I can’t believe how much hatred was in my heart. I try to forgive myself and remember that I was young and broken and taken advantage of by malicious people online but I was old enough to know better. once in a while I’ll check hexbear out just to remind myself of how much I’ve grown and improved. I see people in there who claim to be in their 30s and 40s and i feel disgust at how they are manipulating young adults and even kids as we see here. I feel sad for them too. I don’t think anyone that old would be part of such a group if they didn’t have a seriously damaged worldview.

wow. sorry to dump on you. just seeing someone so young get roped into hexbear brought up a lot of feelings.

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