NGL, I didn’t see that punchline coming.
Neither did her brother… HEYOH! 🤣
NGL, I didn’t see that punchline coming.
Neither did her brother… HEYOH! 🤣
I just tried signing up at, and I got the response "429 Too Many Requests". It doesn't inspire confidence that I can't sign up for the largest and most popular (and represented in the screenshot above) instance.
The big question…
Do any of the apps work with it? I’m using Voyager right now, and this is a dealbreaker for me if it doesn’t. (I’m assuming the answer is no, but I thought I would ask.)
Ain’t no way I’m paying Netflix MORE money just to play some games on my tv. Nope.
I still use Gmail, Gcal, and Google Drive, but when they killed GReader is the closest I’ve ever come to dumping all things Google. In the end it was just too much hassle to move everything, let everyone know my new email, etc., but I’m still not over it.
That said, it’s not free, but I’ve been on NewsBlur since the GReader shutdown, and that’s been 10 years now I think. It’s very similar in use to GReader, and has got a lot of great features and customization options. It’s also run by one very active dev who keeps it updated, fixes anything that breaks, and answers questions on the forums. So I’m supporting an independent developer and not a company. It’s well worth the cost to me, and I use it multiple times a day every day.