Lemmy Fans

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Welcome to Lemmy.fan!

This instance succeeds on one simple mantra: Be kind, and do unto others as you have done to yourself. Consider for a moment that we're ALL on the the same rapidly-spinning, mostly-watery orb, hurtling through space at fantastic speeds, and trading metal and paper for our livelihoods. The unknown will always dwarf the known. Learning never ends. We may be experts in something, but no one person is an expert in all things.

Given that, here our are very simple


Facts based in reality and science are not debatable.

Opinions are great, just be ready to back yours up with a solid foundation of factual information and/or research.

No NSFW communities are allowed to be created on this instance.

Community creation is encouraged so long as it is actively moderated.

Donations are not being accepted or expected. This rule may change IF the instance grows beyond current capacity. Please enjoy an ad-free, donation-free social media experience.

Lastly, negative behaviors such as trolling, harassment, stalking, brigading, and other offensive behaviors as judged by the instance admin(s) will not be tolerated. Immediate and permanent bans are issued for spammers, trollers, vote brigaders, stalkers, harassers, and those of similar ilk. All decisions will be made by the instance admin(s). Those decisions are final and incontestable.

That's the end of the boring but necessary stuff.

Alternate UIs

Want a reddit-like experience? Check out https://old.lemmy.fan (mlmym)

Alexandrite is a gorgeous, highly-customizable Lemmy frontend. https://a.lemmy.fan (Alexandrite)

Photon UI offers a sleek and responsive Lemmy experience. https://photon.lemmy.fan (Photon)

founded 7 months ago

It's not quite enough for me, personally, but this is a small step in the right direction.

I think that the real "down near the metal" solution is to own a dumb car, but those are getting thin on the ground . . .


The Federal Trade Commission's Office of Technology has issued a warning to automakers that sell connected cars. Companies that offer such products "do not have the free license to monetize people’s information beyond purposes needed to provide their requested product or service," it wrote in a blog post on Tuesday. Just because executives and investors want recurring revenue streams, that does not "outweigh the need for meaningful privacy safeguards," the FTC wrote.

In 2023, the Mozilla Foundation published an extensive report examining the various automakers' policies regarding the use of data from connected cars; the report concluded that "cars are the worst product category we have ever reviewed for privacy."

The FTC is not taking specific action against any automaker at this point. Instead, the blog post is meant to be a warning to the industry. It says that "connected cars have been on the FTC's radar for years," although the agency appears to have done very little other than hold workshops in 2013 and 2018, as well as publishing guidance for consumers reminding them to wipe the data from their cars before selling them.

The FTC says the easiest way to comply is to not collect the data in the first place.

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